
Upcoming Rock, Gem and Mineral Related Events

Apache Junction Rock and Gem Club Annual Shows


Field Health and Safety
Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Gem and Mineral Reference Library
International Gem Society Reference Library ~ A great resource for gem-related subjects!
Rock Collecting Tips


Arizona Rock Clubs
Arizona Rock Hunting Locations
Flagg Mineral Foundation
Arizona Earth Sciences Club List
Tucson Gem & Mineral Society (TGMS)
Earth Science Museum

United States Clubs

American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Friends of Mineralogy
Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies
Midwest Federation of Mineralogical and Geological Societies
Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies
California Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Fluorescent Mineral Society
National Park Service
Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies
South Central Federation of Mineral Societies
Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Mineralogical Society of America
United States Geological Survey
American Lands Access Association

Clubs of the World

Geological Surveys (Global list)
Society of Crystallographers in Australia
British Crystallographic Association
Earth Science Resources (Athens, Greece)
The Mineralogical Association of Canada
Rock & Mineral Associations of Canada
European Crystallographic Association
European Mineralogical Union (Vienna, Austria)
Crystallographic Society of Japan
International Mineralogical Association
The Meteoritical Society
The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain
Mineralogy Club of Antwerp
Gem and Mineral Federation of Canada
Friends of Geology & Mineralogy in Denmark
French Association of Micromineralogy
German al Association
The Mineralogical Society of Japan
Norwegian Amateur Geological Society
Russian Mineralogical Society
Swiss Society of Mineralogy & Petrology
International Calcite Collectors Association
International Union of Crystallography
Norwegian Mineral Collecting
Swiss Association of Mineral & Fossil Collectors
Earth Sciences in Switzerland
International Zeolite Association
Society of Crystallographers in Australia & New Zealand

BLM Index

  1. Entire Text of HR 146
  2. HR 146, Title IV, Subtitle D – Paleontological Resources Preservation
  3. BLM – Fossil Collecting on Public Lands
  4. Free Rock, Mineral & Semi-Precious Gemstone Collection Limits
  5. Title 43: Public Lands: Interior, PART 3620—FREE USE OF PETRIFIED WOOD

The following are direct links to U.S. Forest Service Southeast District Documents regarding casual collection of minerals, including petrified wood, and fossils.

  1. “Recreational Mineral Collecting”
  2. “Hobby Collecting of Fossils and Petrified Wood”

Misc. Resources:

PowerPoint presentation courtesy of Stan Celestian. Click on the arrows on the left to move to the next page.


Click on the image below to view the YouTube video on Mineral Hardness by Stan Celestian.