Field Trips
At the January monthly club meeting our field trip coordinator Dan Jarvis made two major announcements. The first announcement was that with almost 550 members our club is now the largest rock club in the State of Arizona! For many years we used to be the second largest behind the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society, but at the present time we have almost 100 members more than the Tucson club.
The second announcement was a rather bold statement that we are the most active club in the State of Arizona (or maybe the USA or the World) as far as the number of field trips we go on in a calendar year. In 2019 we went on between 45-50 field trips. What an amazing club we have.
Our Field Trip Committee has been very busy lining up field trips for the Club. We’ve got some exciting tried and true trips as well as exploratory trips coming up!
Visit the Club’s Calendar to see what trips are coming up. Want to join us? Become a Member!